Cm Em Dm Am
CmI heard it - in the Emnews
DmThey’re running - on the Amloose
CmRoaming - through empty Emstreets
DmNothing - more like it Amseems.
CmDevoid of - all empaEmthy
Dmshed away their - solidariAmty.
CmDead eyes convey - no more Emsmiles
Dmkeep walking for - miles'n Ammiles.
DmI - am Amseeing
DmNormal Ampeople
Cm Em Dm Am
CmHalf-dead - automaEmtons
Dmswitched off - their emoAmtions
CmBliss is - their ignoEmrance
Dmannoyed by their - own exisAmtence.
Cm Em Dm Am
DmI - am Amseeing
DmNormal Ampeople
DmSo - so Ammany
DmNormal Ampeople
Cm Em Dm Am
CmLike many - years beEmfore
DmHunting down - every Amsoul
CmSmoke arise - into the Emnight
DmRests of - society Amblight.
Cm Em Dm Am